inicio mail me! sindicaci;ón

we also bought wine glasses

It was a quiet afternoon yesterday, so when Sister #3 called to tell us she and her boyfriend were headed to a nearby winery, SpiritMan and I decided to join them there. Wollersheim Winery is only about 20-25 minutes from us, but this was our first time there.

Store at WollersheimIt’s a lovely place in the middle of the country, and I was surprised by how many people were there. We enjoyed some wine tasting and decided we wanted a bottle of the River Gold – sweet, but not too sweet. The four of us went outside to the terrace with a bottle, some cups and the snacks they had packed (cheese and crackers). Let’s hear it for spontaneity!

The autumn colors were beautiful but seemed out of place in the 85 degree heat. I’m ready for some actual cool weather. (More pictures here.)