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45×365 #14: N.L. (age 18)

Her rebellious ways and attraction to the forbidden worried me. Even more unsettling was the anxiety she hid away as she did her best to wrest control over imagined dangers…because I’ve been in that world. I’m not worried any more. She’s handling herself beautifully.

[I am participating in x365.]


bag lust

I have the most awesome bag by the most awesome craftsperson ever, but I still can’t help looking at various knitting bag/purse options. I carry my Hopper everywhere I go. (That’s not me in the picture, by the way.) My Hopper has tons of room. Isn’t it cute? It’s also very well made. People compliment me on it all the time.

Still, I need to indulge my roving eye at times. Want to see?

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45×365 #13: B.H.

I met him my final semester of college; we were fast friends and I hung out with him and his dorm buddies. Just before graduation, he said he loved me. Later, he rejected me…but both declarations helped move me where I needed to go.

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45×365 #12: Brad Y.

I knew the moment I met him that he’d be fun to work for. And I was right. SweeTarts and Starbucks for lunch. Wads of paper playfully thrown my way. Respect for my random ideas, and sometimes the special instruction: “Make it so, Number Two.”

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45×365 #11: Mrs. K.

Endlessly cheery, patient and energetic, she was the perfect preschool teacher for my reluctant 4-year-old daughter. She taught scrapbooking and showed me my own creative power. When she had a hysterectomy, her friend made her a tampon bouquet. She knew middle age can be funny.

[I am participating in x365.]


gone dancing

Class was really fun, but somehow we messed up the starting time and arrived a half hour late. The other couples had already been working on some steps – we had to try and catch up. I noticed most of them were wearing gym shoes. SpiritMan and I had driven all over last night trying to find appropriate shoes, and we finally succeeded at Rogan’s, 10 minutes before closing. Coincidentally, the manager was a former ballroom instructor and knew all about proper footwear. He was pretty awesome. I was just glad to find some workable shoes that didn’t have 4-inch heels.

So, we were late to class, and I was surprised to see one of my co-workers there with his wife. Do you ever have those moments when you see someone out of context? I said I was there to tell him one of the servers was down at work, because I’m endlessly hilarious. He knew I was kidding, but he looked a little concerned for a second.

45×365 #10: John E.

I thought he was an okay boss, until he asked a female colleague to talk to me about my inadequate postpartum wardrobe. Humiliated, I wore a plain dress and heels the next day. “You don’t look like a washerwoman now,” he said as a compliment.

[I am participating in x365.]


i think it’s the weather

I’m in an unusually good mood today. How could I not be, clad in handknit socks and a cozy sweater? We have some interesting things to look forward to this week. Tonight is our first official Voluntary Simplicity small group meeting. SpiritMan and I will be shopping for slippery-bottomed shoes afterwards, as we’re starting a Latin dance class tomorrow night. (Nothing like last-minute shopping after talking about simplifying, and why does typing “slippery bottomed” make me feel slightly dirty?)

On Saturday, we’ll be enjoying barbershop music as a show of support for my vocalist dad. Then we have October birthdays at the Homestead on Sunday. There might even be leaf-jumping.

guess how many retainers?

Answer: 4.

The first one was stuffed into his pants pocket, then broken cleanly in two when he flopped from the sofa onto the floor. Just messing around.

Number two is somewhere at the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport.

He removed the third one at school before lunch, put it in his pocket (again!) and got up without replacing it in his mouth where it belonged.

So the fourth will be ready on Thursday, and the dentist informs us Turbo has set a new record.

45×365 #9: Kim B.

We sat side by side among the small group of December arts and communication graduates, but we didn’t become good friends until after college. Artist, mom of three boys, and brave enough to move across the country to pursue her dreams – she’s a role model.

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45×365 #8: S.B.

Kind, handsome and pre-med, he was also a townie, so 10 of us haphazardly piled into someone’s car and drove 20 minutes to surprise him on his birthday. Several years after graduation, an asthma attack stopped his heart.
His secret was that he was gay.

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we also bought wine glasses

It was a quiet afternoon yesterday, so when Sister #3 called to tell us she and her boyfriend were headed to a nearby winery, SpiritMan and I decided to join them there. Wollersheim Winery is only about 20-25 minutes from us, but this was our first time there.

Store at WollersheimIt’s a lovely place in the middle of the country, and I was surprised by how many people were there. We enjoyed some wine tasting and decided we wanted a bottle of the River Gold – sweet, but not too sweet. The four of us went outside to the terrace with a bottle, some cups and the snacks they had packed (cheese and crackers). Let’s hear it for spontaneity!

The autumn colors were beautiful but seemed out of place in the 85 degree heat. I’m ready for some actual cool weather. (More pictures here.)

45×365 #7: Debbie R.

She called us from the Midwest Corgi Rescue, after we had applied to adopt a dog for Moon’s 9th birthday. Foxxi would be a good match for our family, she said, “but she can be a dominating little bitch.” That word! Oh, right … dog person.

[I am participating in x365.]

45×365 #6: Cam T.

He was the Jeff Spicoli of our high school band, a gentle soul in a chemical-induced haze. We’d joke in class; his trombone would poke my back. But when I asked for Carmex, he solemnly responded: “No, dude … but I have some Black Cadillacs.”

[I am participating in x365.]

first weekend in october

Moon’s going to Geek.Kon today with a bunch of her friends, and then the aforementioned friends will  behaving a non-Homecoming party. At JM & Nichole‘s game night last night, we found out that JM and his game-making buddies would be there, too. Sounds like fun.

SpiritMan is having someone over to the basement sound studio to make a meditation tape, Turbo is concentrating on Halo 3, and I want to knit. It’s supposed to be in the mid-80s today, which kind of takes the fun out of it being October, and puts a damper on my fall activities such as knitting with wool and baking pies.

45×365 #5: Joe L.

A handsome young ad salesman with a somewhat short fuse, he and I shared an office when we worked for a religious newspaper. I waved my hands and shook my head when I heard him angrily telling a priest his attitude was “not very Christian.”

[I am participating in x365.]

actual knitting content

Not so cooperative Scarf model

I finished this scarf a few weeks ago, but Moon wasn’t eager to model it for me. That’s why I needed a stand-in. Unfortunately, this particular scarf model doesn’t quite understand what the camera thing is all about, and requires pretzels to keep her in one place.

Also, she sheds.

45×365 #4: N.M.

We were college girls – and conservative Catholics. We caught up with each other a decade later, two moms with preschoolers and part-time jobs. Except hers was an outgrowth of an open marriage and a husband with a cuckold fetish: she was a high-end call girl.

(P.S. Her job paid better than mine.)

[I am participating in x365.]

comments snafu

Here you are trying to be kind and give me a comment, and you’re getting a crazy error message. No worries – it’s a problem with one of the theme files, and I’ll upload a fixed copy as soon as I can get to my laptop. Rest assured, the comments are coming through, though.

[ UPDATE: Comments should be working now. Have at it! ]

45×365 #3: Raja

When given the chance to sign up for an overseas pen pal, I selected the most exotic country available: India. Raja lived in Calcutta, but his family had money. His father was an attorney; Raja used the word “advocate.” Pre-Internet, exchanging letters took time.

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