October 27, 2007 at 10:41 am · Filed under knit/crochet, moon (rachel)
Tonight I’m going with Moon and two friends (Brooke and Matt) to see Nightwish in Chicago. Originally I was going to drive and chaperone, but Brooke’s dad said he’d drive if I’d endure the music. (Kidding! I actually like Nightwish. They are like Abba, if Abba were heavy metal.) Should be fun. I wonder if the kids will dump me as soon as we get in the doors. They’ll have to if they plan to push their way up front and dance with the sweaty masses. We shall see.
Brooke’s dad will probably read a book during all the excitement. I’m super relieved that I won’t be driving, because I’m not the best at finding my way around Chicago, and I won’t have to worry if I nod off during the 3-hour trip back home. Plus, I can probably get a lot of knitting done during the drive down there.
Currently, I’m working on two projects: a felted shibori pillow modeled after KnitPicks’ Sticks and Stones pattern, and a scarf using Fleece Artist Sea Wool. Easy, repetitive stuff. I bought Zephyr’s Juliet pattern but I don’t have yarn for it yet. I also bought sock yarn so I can make socks for both Pete and Moon. Lots to keep my hands busy.
October 26, 2007 at 9:52 pm · Filed under x365
We said we’d be lifelong friends. I thought he was cute, with his dimples and kind manner. But he had it bad for a sweet-seeming blonde who did drugs and blatantly cheated on him. He was ever forgiving, but I hope he finally moved on.
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October 25, 2007 at 9:19 pm · Filed under x365
We met at the gym where I worked senior year. He was a tall, bespectacled freshman, into water polo and hockey. Someone hijacked his computer account and sent me lovesick messages begging for sexual mentoring. I let him down easy before I figured it out.
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October 25, 2007 at 9:01 am · Filed under shopping
I’m totally swooning over this skirt, and of course it’s not readily available in my size and in the color I like best (black).
Would it be totally impossible to knit this without losing my mind? I can’t find any lookalike patterns out there in Internet-land. Anyone else?
October 24, 2007 at 8:08 pm · Filed under x365
My mom was his babysitter – he was my pre-school companion. We spent hours pretending I was the princess and he was the ape. When we were four, we tried to drive the family car. He married someone with my maiden name. I saw the announcement.
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October 24, 2007 at 9:35 am · Filed under moon (rachel)
Okay, so now The King is inspiring candy bars. I saw these at the PDQ this morning and immediately wished I had my camera with me. Fortunately, Rakka is the kind of person who is willing not only to take a picture, but to actually sample peanut-butter-and-banana infused candy.
Many thanks for the borrowed image! Lord knows I’d never try this variety of Reese’s. I hate bananas. Once, my mom made a chocolate cream pie and didn’t tell me there was a layer of bananas over the crust. Very traumatic.
October 23, 2007 at 9:18 pm · Filed under x365
She was newly pregnant when her husband told her he wanted a divorce. They shared their massive dream home, separating as their baby grew. Here husband was there, but she asked me to be her birth coach. I was honored and humbled by the experience.
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October 22, 2007 at 8:09 pm · Filed under x365
We met on the Blythe collectors’ boards. She was learning to sew doll clothes, and sent me some pieces she had created, along with Barbie band instruments. It was fascinating to receive her packages from Ireland. If I go there someday, I’ll look her up.
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October 22, 2007 at 4:59 pm · Filed under moon (rachel)
Have I mentioned that MoonChild has become quite the Elvis fan? She’s been collecting vintage metal posters of him, and lately she’s been all over eBay trying to find various memorabilia. Today she’s wearing Elvis buttons on her sweater. I just stopped typing this post for a few moments to help her hang a full-body poster of him on her bedroom door. She’s going to cut out paper hearts to tape up all around him.
Is this how mothers felt back in the 1950s?
SpiritMan and I were at a wedding reception on Saturday, and the conversation turned to moody kids. (Turbo.) I told the people at our table about one of Turbo’s anger fits recently, and how his sister said, “When I’m feeling upset, I try and think about what makes me happy. I think about Elvis.”
Woman we’d just met: Oh, is that a family pet?
Me: No, she’s referring to THE Elvis. Elvis Presley. Yes. And she’s 16 years old.
Everyone else at the table: …
October 21, 2007 at 9:09 pm · Filed under x365
Not a big blond German, but a Filipino of Chinese descent. College and the U.S. were both new to him. He brought interesting food items into the apartment, and liked to eat his bread with a thick layer of butter and a sprinkle of sugar.
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October 21, 2007 at 8:33 pm · Filed under spiritual
This evening, SpiritMan, Moon and I went to meet a man who owns a harmonium and knows how to do kirtan. Ever since our introduction to Ragani and her music, we’ve wanted to start up a kirtan near home. We’re not the only ones.
I kind of thought we’d be practicing – you know, learning the music. But there is no practice in kirtan. You’re just doing it. The harmonium player, M., obviously knows what he’s doing. Kirtan is part of his individual routine. It’s his meditation. I’m excited that we got to meet him.
Other than that, it’s been a quiet day. We all fell asleep this afternoon, wasting the beautiful weather – but it was relaxing. I’m feeling rather peaceful at this moment.
October 20, 2007 at 9:45 pm · Filed under x365
He describes himself as an introvert by nature, but he is one of the most consistently good public speakers I’ve ever heard. The way he has responded to his purpose and calling is an inspiration. His example makes me want to challenge my own hesitations.
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October 19, 2007 at 6:59 pm · Filed under x365
My life would have been so different if we hadn’t have befriended one another. Her brother is the love of my life, but the truth is that I fell for her first. I waited half my life for a sister; I scored a package deal.
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October 19, 2007 at 7:54 am · Filed under animals
One of my co-workers is giving away a litter of dwarf bunnies, and another co-worker took two of them. So on Wednesday, the bunnies were in a pet carrier in the office, waiting to go to their new home.
Of course we couldn’t just let them stay in the carrier all day. Several of us went a little nuts about the bunbuns — particularly one of us (ahem) who brought my her camera in after lunch.
I just about signed up for a bunny right then and there. Bunnies in the office? I think this practice is called “clever marketing.”
October 18, 2007 at 8:30 pm · Filed under x365
He was short and freckled, with shaggy black hair and a tough-guy swagger. In 7th grade, he liked one of my friends and I became his confidant. We went to different high schools. I wonder where he is now, and if he’s any taller.
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October 17, 2007 at 9:38 pm · Filed under x365
We hung out in high school, in a mixed group of guys and girls. Nearly every time we did anything fun, she would get mad about something and decide to walk home. Making a dramatic point, no doubt, but the guys laughed at her passive-aggressiveness.
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October 17, 2007 at 4:37 pm · Filed under blather
This is how nerdy I am. When SpiritMan is finally cooking the beets that came in our CSA box a month ago, I am compelled to say: “Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.”
October 16, 2007 at 6:39 pm · Filed under x365
When her son was young, she told him the water at school was drugged by the Russians. She covered the water heater with a towel so it couldn’t watch her. Every time I visited, she felt my clothing. I wonder if she really saw me.
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October 15, 2007 at 8:58 pm · Filed under x365
You interviewed me just to offer some advice and ended up creating my first job. Your blazer had wool elbow patches and random cigarette burns; you talked fast, like the newspaper editors in movies. You were a techno geek before anyone knew what one was.
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October 15, 2007 at 5:36 pm · Filed under knit/crochet
This is my latest finished product — I added the buttons last night. It’s based on a pattern I saw in Greetings from Knit Cafe, and I used various leftover yarns to make it. The only thing is that I don’t want it to be tossed on the floor, or be drooled upon by the dog. So my pillow might not get to live in the living room for a while.
In other knitting news, I made a pair of Monkey socks for Sister #1’s birthday, but I forgot to take a picture. Moon picked out the yarn (from Fleece Artist). It was awesome to knit with.
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