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yes, i’ve been knitting

Absolutely! (Oh, and by the way, my name is official. I went to court first thing this morning, then the Social Security office, then the DMV and the credit union. Wahoo!)

First, a project that has been on hold for months.

Sitcom Chic

It’s Sitcom Chic from Fun pattern, with one of my favorite yarns — the discontinued Cotton-Ease by Lion Brand. Most of the Cotton-Ease I’ve knitted with has been a dream, but the red had knots and split like crazy. I stuck it out, but I kept putting the sweater aside for other projects. It feels good to be finished.

Sitcom Chic close-up

Here’s the detail of the front. It’s not blocked (how do you block cotton blends, anyway?). I picked out the chunky wood button when I was shopping at Sow’s Ear a few weeks ago. I was actually after a set of size 1 DPNs, which is another story. Currently on those needles is a Jaywalker sock, and I’ve discovered that knitting on size 1 needles goes a heck of a lot slower than it does on size 2s. I’m hanging in there, but don’t expect to see a finished pair of socks any time soon. Good thing I didn’t attempt this during the Knitting Olympics, or I’d have never won my gold medal.

I'm a wood nymph.

My other recent FO is this hooded capelet from Teva Durham’s Loop-d-Loop book. Moon and Peter’s reaction when I first tried it on: “No.”

Apparently I’m not enough of a wood nymph to pull this off, so I thought I’d better at least go outdoors for the picture.

Much of the knitting for this piece took place at the IRS office. Did I mention that we received a letter from them last week? Just days before the fender bender? Our friends at the IRS think that we owe an additional $23,000 from our 2004 taxes, a notion which made me laugh heartily. It’s a mistake. (Duh.) I didn’t even bother calling; I just showed up Tuesday morning and took my place in line. Naturally, the computers were down because of a power outage in the building the night before. The good news is that I had plenty of time to knit before my turn at the one service window. The helpful rep took my information and asked me to fax last year’s W-2s. Which I totally planned on doing, except the IRS fax machines were down, too. (I went back the next day and begged the 12 people in line for a chance to just hand the paper to someone on the other side.)

Anyway, back to the knits. I’m looking toward the future here, and I want to make a Cotton-Ease Tubey in the worst way. Thing is, I need 3-4 skeins of black, or rather, “Licorice.” I might have to come up with something else in the meantime.