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double whammy

I get my horoscope delivered right to my Gmail box from and Because, you know, if one of them sucks, then I always have a backup so I don’t go around self-fulfilling the sucky prophecy.

Anyway, you’d think the stars were trying to tell me something.

Some changes with regard to your career situation could make a vast difference in your resources. This could involve a raise or promotion in the works, it might involve opportunities for freelance work outside the job, or it might even imply a new job, perhaps in a creative field. Whatever work you do is likely to suddenly seem more emotionally rewarding than it’s been before, and should boost your spirits considerably.

Huh. I guess that means I’ll be doing great things, eh?

Don’t let up now, for you have the power to accomplish more than you realize. Others are relying on you and it’s not in anyone’s best interest for you to let them down. Don’t try to do everything at once, even if you believe you can. Instead, move with heightened self-control to make your energy last for the entire day.

Okay, I get it. No laziness here. (Hey, I haven’t even had a chance to write about the weekend.)

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