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final entry from san diego

Double view
Originally uploaded by me.

Today we ventured out for lunch and to buy souvenirs at Hard Rock Cafe, but otherwise stayed put in the hotel room until evening. We wanted to experience Sea World after 6. The energy was definitely different — more of a party atmosphere. Lots of sparkle.

Peter sweet-talked me into going on a water flume ride with him, and we were completely drenched. I’m a sucker for a kiss on the cheek and a sincere hug, I guess. I shivered as we wandered around and went to the last shows of the evening. After the fireworks at 10 p.m., I was ready to go. However, some of the performers from Riptide (dance/percussion ensemble) had come down from the stage after their second show, and they were messing around and showing off for the few people who were left. We stayed and listened, and I took a few photos.

It’s midnight now. In four hours we’ll be packing up and heading for the airport. It seems like the week just began. The kids are making sad noises about leaving San Diego, but I have a feeling that as soon as they lay eyes on the Madison skyline, they’ll realize that they were homesick after all.

I will, too. It’s been a great vacation, but coming home is a reward in itself.

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