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happy friday

Originally uploaded by me.

I slept in this morning, curled up with the dog until (!) 9:30. Then after showering and making coffee, I filled my thermos and headed off to do a few errands before my 11:15 salon appointment.

Today I did something different – I went to Josh, the kids’ stylist. See, yesterday I had a hair crisis. I suddenly hated it, and decided I desperately needed color. My regular person (who works at a different salon) wasn’t going to be available until next week. But Josh was able to get me in, and truth be told, I’ll probably go back. For one thing, when I confided that I was feeling fat and blah, he said, “No! I think you look great!”

And that’s always nice to hear, even when you suspect it’s simply kindness.

Anyway, I’m trimmed and colored. I was compelled to do a bit of clothes shopping after my appointment, because *ahem* I’m not fitting into some of my summer stuff. I picked up a few things to wear to work, plus some shorts.

Later, there was a cloudburst and then a gorgeous rainbow, and that’s pretty much how I’m feeling right now, if that makes any sense.

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