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dead prez, and knittin’

It’s Jodi’s favorite president’s birthday. Since he’s also the namesake of my favorite town, I thought I’d give a shout out.

I know I haven’t posted any new knitting pictures lately, but it’s not for a lack of projects. I’m working on – count ‘em! – three projects right now. The pink tweedy Banff sweater. My first socks. And a bobble pillow out of nasty Jiffy acrylic.

The socks are a great portable project. I should call them my socks-in-waiting, because I’ve done a few rows while waiting for a movie to begin, waiting for Moon to finish her bass lesson, waiting in the dentist’s office…

Speaking of which, Moon had a dentist appointment yesterday, and our favorite hygienist ran out to the waiting room, note pad in hand, to talk knitting with me. She’s been trying to teach herself, and was excited to hear that I was self-taught through the power of the written word. I recommended Knit Wit and told her about Stitch ‘n Bitch and

Apparently Moon was asked if I was still into my dolls, and answered, “Now she’s all about the knitting.” Yikes! I guess I need to brush some plastic hair and change some teenytiny clothing. Wouldn’t want to be neglectful.

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