inicio mail me! sindicaci;ón

making progress

More Fuzzyfeet
Originally uploaded by me.

I’m halfway done with Sister #1’s Fuzzyfeet, yay! The Campus had an exhibit booth at expos last Thursday and today, and both times I was able to knit on the sly. On Thursday, I ended up teaching another exhibitor how to cast on. Today I attracted a fellow knitter as soon as I whipped out my project. People are really interested in Fuzzyfeet.

Fuzzy Feet V. 2

In keeping with that theme, here’s Peter wearing his newly felted pair (they were still damp, but he slept in them anyway).

Today’s mail included my highly anticipated new bag. *cue Hallelujah Chorus*

Despite all the knitting goodness, I had a mentally exhausting evening. Which I’ll write about tomorrow Friday. Thank goodness for knitting, and for time spent catching up with my faboo counterpart.