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Archive for September, 2007

new driver on the road

Moon passed her road exam with flying colors. Not that she was perfect, but even the DMV guy said that she did much better than average. So she’s already way ahead of me if there’s ever a worldwide Good Driving Olympics.

I still remember my first driver’s test. The car stuck between gears, and I panicked. It seemed like the only thing to do was to jump out of the car and get my dad from the waiting area. Except the car was still moving (slowly) in reverse. The examiner yelled at me to GET BACK HERE AND PUT THE CAR IN PARK. After he put me through my paces, he informed me that I had failed before I had even started, what with the panic and the jumping out.

“NEVER get OUT of a car when it’s MOVING,” he emphasized repeatedly. I slunk over to my dad and told him it was time to go. Outside, I refused to get back into the car, announcing very dramatically that I would forthwith be swearing off all vehicular activity. Because cars were evil and didn’t like me. And I was 16 years old and full of drama.

Not like Moon, who is 16 and has a better attention span than I do at 45.

some things

  1. I’m posting from Flock, which is my new favorite browser. It’s based on Mozilla but has a whole lot of social networking functionality. Plus, it’s pretty.
  2. Speaking of pretty, I bought a pink cover for my Razr phone. I’m not usually rocking the pink, but it’ll make me smile when Pete needs to borrow the phone and I can picture him with all that girliness next to his ear.
  3. First day of school tomorrow. I think we’re ready. I told Peter last week that if he manages straight A’s, I’ll get him a laptop. And holy cow, if I had known how much that would motivate him, I’d have come up with it sooner. He’s definitely smart enough; we’ll see if the follow-through happens.
  4. The four of us went to see Superbad yesterday and barely got to the theater in time. When we pulled into the driveway afterwards, we were surprised to see Foxxi standing on the front porch. She had somehow gotten out as we were leaving, and faithfully stood by the front door for over two hours. I’ve been freaking out thinking about it, because she didn’t even have her collar on. We owe a debt of gratitude to her guardian Corgi angels.