June 13, 2007 at 8:29 pm · Filed under knit/crochet
I haven’t written much about it, but I’ve been hard at work on my Sockapalooza 4 project. My pal says she has big feet, so I’m doing lots of repeats of this pattern. Which is actually quite fun. (It’s Monkey. A truly addicting sock.)
Anyway, I’ve been bringing Monkey Sockpal Sock with me everywhere I go. I might actually finish it before the deadline in August! The yarn is lovely to work with. Cherry Tree Hill. Yumm.
June 13, 2007 at 8:20 pm · Filed under peter
I’m having a hard time getting a decent photo of those teeth we spent so much money straightening, but trust me, they look pretty good. But check out the other change that took place over the past year and a half…

Dude kinda grew. When did that happen?
The full set is here. I’m still working on capturing an actual smile on film.
June 10, 2007 at 8:27 pm · Filed under family
But after this week, things will settle down a bit. Last week was craazy. We were all involved with a concert at church on Tuesday. Rehearsals had been going on for about a month, and the dress rehearsal was Monday. Moon and Pete were both among the instrumentalists, and I was a backup singer (one of the 9 “Dreamtime Singers”).
The concert itself was on Tuesday. We all wore pajamas, as the theme was Lullabies and Dreamsongs. Very comfy! We had a good sized crowd — maybe 100? — and my parents even came up for the event.
Moon’s school had its annual Pops Concert on Wednesday (rehearsal was Tuesday, before the other concert, so we rushed from one side of town to the other). It went until 10:30 p.m., and I teared up during “Pomp and Circumstance” like I always do. Two more years until I have good reason.
Friday was awesome fun, because we met JM and Nichole for a visit to one of my favorite restaurants. They’re eating at every Madison restaurant in alphabetical order, and this week they shared their dining list. Friday’s choice was one I didn’t want to miss. (My review wasn’t exactly unbiased, but hey.)
Yesterday, Pete and I took the car to have an iPod player installed — it was going to take two hours, so we decided to take a walk. I remembered there was a Starbucks nearby, but it ended up being about 2 1/2 miles away. The good news is that we passed the time and burned whatever calories are involved in walking 5 miles. The bad news is that there was trouble with the installation, so we left without our new player. I’m hoping for good news Monday, when the installers can call the manufacturer.
Today I mowed. And mowed. We’ve been borrowing a gas mower from our excellent friend Vicki, because Pete has had shoulder problems and I’m not keen on letting him use the old-fashioned reel mower. I’m also not keen on using it myself, because I don’t like spending 3-4 hours on the lawn. After I finished our yard, I went over and mowed Vicki’s while she was at work.
This week Moon has finals, and Peter has a few short days. I’ll be playing chauffeur, but at least our evenings will be fairly sane.
In other news, I’m working on socks for my sock pal, but that’s another post.