March 28, 2007 at 3:28 pm · Filed under idol
Ugh, Television Without Pity has been acting up all day, and I’m going through withdrawal because I can’t see what they wrote about last night’s American Idol.
So here are my way-important thoughts on the subject.
KiKi: Great voice, but needs to mix things up a bit or she’s going to get boring.
Chris S.: I loved him during auditions, but I’m not as impressed with how he’s done since Hollywood. And he seems kind of insincere. Plus, he shouldn’t let his stylists put so much fro-taming goop in his hair. Next he’ll be using Jeri-Curl.
Haley: Blech. I had hoped she’d be gone by now.
Gina: Wow, her performance was spectacular. She’s sort of a hometown girl (by way of Naperville, a few hours from here) so I’ve been rooting for her all along. She cried a lot when Leslie Hunt left, which made me like her even more.
Sanjaya: What can I say? He entertains me. I don’t think he expected to still be in the competition at this point, and has decided to throw caution to the wind. The competition won’t be quite as interesting when he’s gone. I’m glad he made it to the top 10. (Because you know I’ll be seeing the concert.)
Phil: Has improved quite a bit, in my opinion. I liked last night’s hat a lot better than some of his previous styling choices, too.
Jordin: I really, really like her. Hope she’ll be sticking around for a while.
Blake: Is kind of my favorite to win the whole thing. The judges haven’t praised him enough — he’s been good every week.
Melinda: The best voice in the competition, but I’m having a hard time picturing what her CD sales will be like. I do think she’s awesome and would love to hang out with her and her Gayles.
Chris R.: He’s cute, and sings pretty well. Sometimes his nasally ways annoy me, though. He reminds me of BIL #2, so I can’t help but like him.
I know. I’m not snarky enough.
Did you see the “Sanjaya”‘ sighting on SNL? Here you go.
March 26, 2007 at 10:39 am · Filed under blather
We saw my parents last weekend (birthday stuff) … and my mom made an awesome offer to the kids. She wants to take them to Seattle in August to visit my brother and his family. Super cool, because we probably wouldn’t be able to do a plane trip ourselves this year. Not for four people, anyway.
It’ll be interesting for the kids to spend some time with their extended family without us. And Pete and I will have five days to ourselves. Wacky!
And now for the not-so-cool news. The dog just threw up on the stairs. Gotta go.
March 17, 2007 at 4:41 pm · Filed under blather
First, the new hair. A week ago, I was sick sick sick of pushing hair out of my face and having to clip it back. So I went for bangs and had a bunch of the length chopped off. Kind of a mom ‘do, but hopefully a little cooler than that.
On the other hand, a year ago I was in court getting my name changed. I can’t believe it’s been a whole year, but Moon says it feels like it’s been longer than that.
It’s been one of those weeks. I’ve been feeling spring-fevery, restless, bored, down, blah. Pre-menstrual? Maybe. Coincidentally, I went to see Menopause, the Musical last night with (of course) a bunch of my female friends. Because I was the youngest in the group, it reminded me of being on the cusp of puberty, hanging with the cool girls who all had started having periods and knew all about tampons and stuff.
Anyway, we all laughed a lot and had bunches of fun. Which was exactly what I needed. Now I’d love to score some corned beef on my first St. Paddy’s as a non-vegetarian.
March 4, 2007 at 4:10 pm · Filed under knit/crochet
FIL is home safe and sound, and the snow has stopped. Moon is getting better (she was sick and missed school Thursday and Friday). The weekend with Matthew Fox (theologian, not actor) is a memory – Pete was a major part of the planning, so preparations had occupied us in one way or another for months.
I haven’t neglected my knitting. Here are a few quick snapshots of recent finished projects: