Archive for February, 2007
February 27, 2007 at 9:16 am · Filed under family
The doctors looked at FIL’s arteries yesterday, and one was very blocked — but they were able to wiggle a wire in there and insert a stent. And it worked very well. I saw pictures!
So they’re going home today. FIL is better off now than he was before, because oxygen is getting to all of his heart. He had problems breathing before and was using an inhaler, but now they’re thinking maybe that was a symptom of the blockage. Also, the heartburn he’s been prone to having probably was angina all along.
I’m sure they will be so glad to be home again. MIL can come and stay with us anytime. She’s a great guest.
February 25, 2007 at 11:30 am · Filed under family
It kinda looked like spring was here last week — but not now. When we picked up MIL from the hospital Friday night, the snow had already started. Saturday it kept coming, so Sister #3 and her boyfriend packed up some stuff for my in-laws and drove to the hospital to meet them with it. (She has a Jeep, which is rather handy.) So MIL is staying with us until FIL is released from the hospital. He’s actually doing pretty well, but the tests indicated that he had a mild heart attack Friday morning.
Today we’re all staying put, because almost everything in the area (church services, etc.) has been cancelled, it’s windy and drifty outside, and it’s still snowing. I already made brownies, and there’s beef vegetable soup cooking in the crock pot. Pete is baking bread, and I’m planning to make walnut cookies later. MIL is sitting in the comfy chair sewing on buttons and doing various repairs for us. The kids have been chatting with her, and it’s just a comfy day being here together.
FIL is calling periodically to check in. Some of the hospital staff didn’t even make it to work today, so he’d rather we stay put for the time being. Sister #3 brought him his portable DVD player, some DVDs and books yesterday, so at least he has some entertainment.
In other news, I ordered a new knitting bag after about a week of pining for it online. (It’s from Persnickity Design.) Check out how groovy it is. Glad those mail carriers are willing to come through rain, snow, sleet, dead of night and so on.
February 23, 2007 at 7:26 pm · Filed under blather
Yes, February is heart month. And coincidentally, Terry and her rom each ‘celebrated’ by having their own scary trips to the ER. (Get well soon! Haven’t forgotten about those socks!)
Today my FIL had a scare, too. Although they live an hour away, MIL drove him to the hospital here in Madison. I don’t like to think about that trip, even though everything turned out fine. We’re actually just about to head over there to say hello and bring MIL to our house for the night. (FIL is staying for a look-see. They haven’t confirmed yet that it was a heart attack, although it sure sounds like it was.)
It’s all very surreal. My dad, who’s about 15 years older than my FIL, had his first heart attack more than 20 years ago. At the time, angioplasty was a pretty new procedure, and he had two of them in liu of a bypass. He even had his picture in the newspaper. I remember being so scared, and not really thinking about how young he was. I guess late 50s seemed older to me then than it does now. Anyway, he had a second heart attack maybe 10 years later. A mild one, as I recall. He’s been doing pretty well since then. Next month he’ll be 79 years old. (Give me another 25 years, and I bet 79 will sound kinda young.)
Appreciate your tickers, guys. They’re important.
February 3, 2007 at 3:17 pm · Filed under animals, foxxi
Just over a week ago, I decided it was time to carve out an office space for myself. It’ll be some time before we can add on a sunroom, and I’d been a kitchen table nomad for too long.
So that day, I bought a desk and office chair, cleaned out a corner of the basement, and put everything together (with help from Pete, of course). When I make a decision, I don’t waste time.
Anyway, Foxxi decided to check out what we were up to. She bounded down the stairs as usual, curled up under my new desk, and … started bleeding. Freaky! I called our neighbor (a vet), who turned out to be at the emergency clinic where she works. She said to bring Foxxi in, so we did. All four of us. I held the dog and tried not to get blood everywhere.
Two hours later, we went home with our bandaged up pup. She had snagged a claw on the stairs’ carpet, and pulled it most of the way out. Our vet neighbor gave her a painkiller and removed the claw. (It’ll grow back.) Foxxi got her share of spoiling afterwards. She also was a bit reluctant to go back to the scene of the accident.
February 2, 2007 at 7:41 pm · Filed under idol
My pal Terry asked me about the current American Idol season, and guess what? I’ve been watching. I missed a few of the tryouts (convention, etc.) but I still have a few early favorites.
Fave #1: Sundance Head, who auditioned in Memphis. Awesome voice, awesome presence. Just a cool guy. I hope he goes far.
Fave #2: Chris Sligh. He looks kind of goofy, which totally added to his charm when he turned out to be sharp and funny. And a good singer.
Fave #3: Sean Michel, who looks a bit like Jesus.
I don’t have any favorite female singers yet. A lot of them seem very similar to one another. I’m pretty psyched for Hollywood Week, though. Always an interesting time.