Archive for April, 2006
April 24, 2006 at 6:32 pm · Filed under peter, shopping
Yep, he’s 12, and he had a pretty happy birthday. For one thing, he managed to get the very thing he wanted most. It’s not just a birthday gift (we wrapped it in Christmas paper and sung “Happy Christmas to you, Merry Birthday to you…”) and Peter traded in some stuff to help finance the whole thing, lest you think that we’ve suddenly come into an inheritance or something.
We gave him another game, too.
Now, about that knitting bag.
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April 20, 2006 at 10:54 am · Filed under idol, knit/crochet, shopping
My family long-ago dubbed me Queen of All Purses, so it’s no surprise that I can’t stop thinking about this:
I know I already have two awesome knitting bags, but that doesn’t mean I’ve given up the search for the PERFECT bag. When I saw the Namaste collection, the most difficult decision was which one to order. Truth be told, a messenger bag seems to be the best fit. I love the way traditional purse/bags look, but I keep going back to the diagonal-over-the-shoulder thing.
If I like the new bag as much I think I will, the Lady B will be going back — or on eBay.
I thought I was addicted to American Idol last season, but that was when I only loved one or two of the top 10, and not nearly all of them. Tuesdays and Wednesdays are nail-bitingly nervewracking at our house. Moon has lost two of her favorites in a row (the aforementioned Bucky, and now Ace), and she’s crossing her fingers and toes that Elliott won’t be next.
We’re Yaminions. (Although I’ve been pulling for Taylor Hicks from the start, and not just because he looks like he could be my age. He’s entertaining enough to be parodied on SNL, ya know.)
Moon’s already bugging me about buying tour tickets. And in case you didn’t think I was geeky enough, I’ve crocheted a beanie for Ace.
April 12, 2006 at 9:08 am · Filed under idol, knit/crochet, spiritual
Just a quick update. First, the Everyday Goddess Conference was a fabulous way to spend a weekend. I met some awesome new friends (hi Jodie!) and my two teen roomies (Moon and Nicole) seemed to have a great time.
Second, I now have a shop at Etsy. It’s Rakka was my inspiration … her shop is here. Now I can make stuff without having to worry about where to put it all!
Third, guess who Moon’s pulling for in this year’s American Idol? None other than Bucky Covington. Yep, my speed metal girl now appreciates (gasp) country.
April 5, 2006 at 1:32 pm · Filed under knit/crochet
You heard it here first: I crochet.

I bought the Happy Hooker book, but the whole technique thing escaped me until Patti showed me double and triple crochet in person. (I had already managed to do a single crochet edge, so that wasn’t as tough.) Best of all, she made me understand the elusive chain-and-turn thing. Before I knew it, I was well on the way to finishing a “washcloth.”
My confidence boosted, I tackled the instructions for making a crocheted circle. Then I decided to try a shell stitch, courtesy of the aforementioned book:

I’ve decided I love me some crochet, and you’ll soon be able to feast your eyes on more of my creations. Not that I’m neglecting my knits, mind you. I still have Tubey and Jaywalkers on the needles, and I promise they’re getting attention.