Archive for February, 2006
February 25, 2006 at 9:00 am · Filed under knit/crochet
Definitely my personal best! I love these socks. I can’t believe it only took me two weeks to make them, start to finish.
Here’s the pattern. I’m so pleased with them that I want to keep making more socks and trying other patterns, but I think I need a rest from the tiny needles. Time to go back to Sitcom Chic for a while. (Almost time to start the sleeves.)
Now for a close-up of the toes. I just so dig my own toes.
It’ll be strange watching the closing ceremonies without my DPNs in hand.
February 22, 2006 at 12:05 pm · Filed under astrology
Because last week was so rough.
When just starting out on a new journey, Aine, it’s only natural to feel vulnerable. After all, it may seem that you have much to lose. But may I remind you that never again, at any other point in the same journey, will you have so much to gain?
I’ll take that as a “yes.”
The Universe
Yesterday’s horoscope made me smile.
The opportunity to increase your income could spur you on to channel more energy and inspiration than usual into career matters, Aine. Some vivid and intense dreams could reveal a lot about yourself and your own motivations, which might increase your self-awareness and thus make everything easier for you. The drive to succeed, both in material and spiritual matters, is likely to play a powerful role in everything you do. Onward and upward!
I had coffee with my fellow feng shui practitioner MJ, and it was exactly what I needed. Oh, and I have a court date for my name change: March 17! Is that cool, or what?
February 16, 2006 at 10:13 am · Filed under knit/crochet
I finished my goal! Never did I think I could finish a sock in five days, and now I have my eyes on the gold medal — a pair of socks! Yep, I’m casting on sock #2 today, and I’ve got my eyes on the winner’s stand.
This is the same pattern I used for the orange Koigu socks I posted earlier. This time, I kept the ribbing over the front and started with 50 rounds of ribbing instead of 35.
In other news, there’s a blizzard outside. I’m supposed to be at a trade show today, but right now I’m wondering if I can even get out of my driveway. Oh, and there’s lightning.
February 11, 2006 at 1:32 pm · Filed under knit/crochet
I finished a set of moebius baskets for Moon. She selected the colors to match the decor in her room. There’s still Cascade 220 left over from the two skeins I bought for these!
Here’s the “before” shot. Pretty floppy!
And here’s the “after.” I like how the fair isle pattern pulled the center of the baskets in a bit, so that they ended up more cylindrical. I still have yarn leftovers from the two skeins I started with. I might be able to dig up enough green yarn to make a basket for Peter. (He wants the blue one, but Moon said no.)
February 11, 2006 at 10:19 am · Filed under knit/crochet
I’ve cast on my Knitting Olympics project, and I’m on my way to having a new pair of socks by the end of the games.
So here are my shout-outs to my teammates!

(…if they’ll have me! I was a little late finding my homestate-ies)
Now, off to knit!
February 5, 2006 at 5:04 pm · Filed under knit/crochet
Fo’ sure.
First off, a long-overdue photo of the bag I finished right before my feng shui week. It started off as a moebius scarf knitted from Noro Kureyon, but after making the overly-shrunken swirl bag I really wanted to do one for myself — and having a pre-finished strap was a huge shortcut.
I pulled out some Lamb’s Pride leftovers, and followed Cat Bordhi’s directions for doing an afterthought pouch. I had enough yarn to make a small pocket, too. I love this bag. It’s very pettable. It was perfect for carrying my notes, pencils and lip balm up and down the stairs at the bed-and-breakfast.
After I returned from my week away, I was eager to do another moebius project. So I made a felted basket to give to my mom as kind of a belated birthday present. It was a super fast and easy knit, but of course I forgot to actually tell my mom about it while she and my dad were visiting last week. I’ll have to fill it with something good and bring it with me next time we’re near their house.
There are definitely more baskets in my future. Moon went with me to Lakeside Fibers and picked out several colors of Cascade 220 that went with her new room decor. She’s pretty good at color selection … too bad she’s not interested in learning to knit.
Finally, my most recent finished object: my second-ever pair of socks. They’re far from perfect, but I couldn’t wait to get them on my feet! This is the first time I’ve made something with Koigu, and wow, all the stuff I’ve heard about that yarn is true. It’s so pretty, and feels so nice, and is pleasant to work with.
I have two more balls of Koigu that will be transforming into another pair of socks soon. I’ve joined the Knitting Olympics and I’ll be knitting with Team DPN. My goal is to finish one sock … that will be challenging enough for me during that time period. Moon, however, thinks I should go for the pair. I don’t know, I may not be able to do that without steroids.