Hey, at lunchtime I was hungry for the first time in days. Days! So I had a brilliant idea… brunch at the Pancake Cafe, where I indulged in pecan Belgian waffles. Which is exactly what I’d craved.
Now I’m urpy. I went to the supermarket with Pete, and I almost didn’t make it through the store. The sight of food (even crackers) made me feel all queasy.
After a few phantom heaves, I had a frozen lemonade pop and I’m surviving. Did I ever show you the sweater piece I finished last week? I didn’t? Okay, look. I’m most of the way through the ribbing for the front piece now. (This is the back.) Guess what? It’s supposed to hit 60 degrees this week.
Wow, you are becoming quite proficient with the needles!! Excellent.