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we need a plumber

Let’s see. The rain we’ve been expecting all week is here, meaning that the streets and sidewalks were quite flooded when I was driving home from work. We were treated to the odd sound of January thunder this afternoon. Thunder! Although it’s been around 40 degrees today, the windchill is supposed to dip to -20 on Friday. Wacky.

This evening, while Angelica and I were at choir practice (yes, I brought Angelica! she was much admired, and joined the alto section for the evening), the toilet became clogged. Pete was quite flustered when I arrived home, because he had been alternately plunging and doing internet research on what to use to unclog the darned thing. He had already gone to Menard’s and purchased an auger, which the guy working there assured him was the right thing to purchase. However, upon opening the package he was greeted by a warning in capital letters: NOT FOR USE IN TOILET.

So I saved the day by calling Home Depot (aren’t we lucky to live in shopping land, with so many stores at our fingertips?) and locating a toilet auger. A toilet auger is much larger than a regular auger. Who knew? We certainly didn’t. I had never even heard the word “auger” before this evening. Anyway, we used that puppy on our toilet, several times over.

And it’s still not quite right. Too late to add another bathroom, ha ha! (Have you seen our basement pictures lately?)

UPDATE: Obviously, our household angels were working overtime last night, because this morning the clog had disappeared.