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Archive for blather

lunch, stain and intarsia

So today was our holiday lunch at work, and the bosses took us to Bluephies, where I had an incredible sweet potato quesadilla. I know, it sounds kind of unappetizing, but it was delicious. Black beans, corn, sweet potatoes, gorgonzola cheese, all stuffed into a grilled tortilla. I really should have taken a picture.

While I was lunching and enjoying a very quiet day at the Campus, Pete was stuck at home with the neverending pile of wood trim to be stained. He finally finished this evening, after Moon and I returned from her bass lesson. Tomorrow, varnish. My work is more relaxing than his vacation, go figure.

My newest project, a mini skull-and-crossbones tote, is coming along nicely (thanks to Denise!) but doing the pattern is much more difficult than I anticipated. I’m kind of not liking intarsia. (That’s when you use more than one color and switch between them, leaving tons of strings hanging from the wrong side of your work, until you eventually weave them in, which is more tedious than varnishing wood.) So far I’m not too confident that I’m even doing it correctly. On a positive note, though, I love working with wool. It’s so… wooly.

today’s horoscope

With today’s celestial energy, you’re going to feel like you’re on vacation. This planetary configuration often gives people the feeling of having a “fresh” mind and calm disposition. Problems that once seemed so complicated now seem simple and surmountable. You could also have some fun writing today, and you may be surprised by the results.

Coincidentally, I’m almost done with our annual Christmas newsletter, and we ought to be able to mail cards tomorrow. Plus, the shopping is nearly finished.

As for the basement: painted. Next project: staining the trim.

deja vu

The stuffy nose. The sore throat. The inability to sleep. The chills. It all came back again yesterday. Somehow I still dragged myself to Lessons & Music, but I was really just taking up space. I couldn’t sing anything above a middle G.

Last night I curled up on the sofa, and watched old Mystery Science Theater 3000 tapes with the kids. I shivered under several blankets and a fleecy cap, but at least the tapes were distracting. More than 10 years ago, Comedy Central had a “turkey day” (ha ha) where they showed 30 straight hours of MST3000. Back then we had free cable (because SpiritMan worked for a cable company) so we recorded several tapes’ worth of the festivities.

The kids have now discovered the joy and hilarity of Cambot! Gypsy! Tom Servo! Crooooooowwww!

Today I stayed home from work and slept. Later I started another scarf. This one’s for Peter.

oh yeah, the list

Today’s horoscope:

The weekend may nearly be here, but this is a back-to-work day for you in ways that go beyond your job. You have let so much pile up in your life that you might be feeling overwhelmed. Now, a positive attitude can wash through your mind and give you the juice to start at the top of your list and check things off one at a time.

Today was an at-home day, and yeah, there are quite a few things on my to-do list. I’ll tell you what I didn’t do: I didn’t shop. I didn’t exercise. But I did go through the junk cabinet, and I tackled the overflowing bill basket.

I also knit. I watched Buffy. And I made more M&M bars. (Monday’s batch didn’t last too long.)

In other news, I seem to be developing a sore throat, which will require lots of Reiki and visualization if I’m going to be able to sing on Sunday for Advent Lessons & Carols. And it’s finally snowing. (Rain came first today, but hey, snow is snow!)

bark bark bark bark bark

Foxxi was unstoppable yesterday when our builder friend came over. Every time he approached the door, she had to scramble after him, barking at the top of her lungs. Since he was making repeated trips in with supplies and stuff, this became old rather quickly. I explained that Foxxi wasn’t trying to chase him out, she was trying to keep him inside. She’s a herding dog, and that’s her instinct. Once someone has joined the herd, THEY WILL STAY WITH THE HERD, dammit.

I ended up banishing her to the bedroom because I needed to leave, and I didn’t want her making builder guy all nervous when he was nailing and sawing stuff.

Did I write about the shoes? Peter has been wearing an insanely embarrassing pair of shoes lately. They are so worn that the entire front is open and his toes are exposed, as if he’s a Lil’ Abner wannabe. (No, he doesn’t know who Lil’ Abner is. Is that strip still around?) The thing is, Peter is very very selective about his clothing and footwear and will not accept just any new pair of shoes. They must zip, and he prefers them to feel broken in right from the start. I bought a pair from Shopko which was rejected for size (not wide enough) and two pairs (pair?) in different sizes from Famous Footwear. The heel tab on those was too stiff, and they were too difficult to get on.

So I returned all those shoes yesterday and picked up yet another pair. (“Bring him along,” you suggest? That’s an amusing suggestion.) These may be acceptable, but they are a bit difficult to zip. If they don’t work, we will be getting shoes that tie. I don’t care.

on the laptop

Our monster Mac is now put away in preparation for our basement project — so thank God for the laptop. We’d be going through some serious withdrawal here without it. Not to mention the fact that I can’t balance the checkbook without computer assistance anymore.

The thing that amazes me is this: We’re pretty much minimalists, but we still have so much extraneous stuff. In order to clear the area that’s being finished, we had to fill every nook and cranny with music gear, videotapes, paper, books, etc. etc. etc.

I have to keep telling myself that it’s just temporary. Today I was on Metafilter and ended up looking at several terrifying sites that embody some of my greatest fears. I really wish we had a dumpster so we could just chuck some of our junk.

self amusement

I’ve been amusing myself with this, which is part of this.

It gets my mind off all the stuff I need to do by tomorrow noon, when my parents arrive for Tofurky dinner.

blogging on the sofa

After a quiet Thursday night of knitting and watching Buffy with the kids, what could be better than curling up with my blog nestled on my lap? Yeah, the laptop is working like a dream. Ahhhh.

Knitting is pretty cool, too. My shawl-to-be is starting to actually look like something. It’s so surprising to see a pattern emerge from just knit, purl, repeat. Like magic. I’m astounded that it works. The piece is 90 stitches across, and I have about two inches or so done. Only 60 more to go.

This morning Pete and I met with Peter’s teacher, and were a little surprised to discover that he’s been handing in his work and behaving well in class. Who knew? Daresay this was the best parent-teacher conference ever.

Tomorrow we meet with Moon’s teacher. And it’s my day off, and the beginning of a wonderful weekend.

wednesday morning

Some random thoughts.

  1. I was so sleepy last night that I was actually in bed by 11 pm. Thus I was out of bed and awake before 7 this morning. Maybe I’m transforming into a morning person!
  2. The Northern Lights were visible Sunday night, did I mention that? I totally saw them. They flicker. It was one of the coolest things ever, almost as cool as seeing a real live tornado but less life-threatening.
  3. Peter had massive fits yesterday morning because I had washed his waffle-weave shirts and they weren’t dry in time for school. Later he thought it was hilarious that they were called “waffle” shirts. One thing about him … he doesn’t bury his feelings. He emotes, and he’s done. (He won’t get ulcers, he’ll give ‘em.)

My new-used eBay laptop is coming today! At least that’s what the UPS tracking service says.

some comic relief

I’m more out of it than I thought. I just discovered that I’ve been wearing my underpants sideways all morning. No wonder they felt a little snug. (And I thought it was just too much Halloween candy.)

a moment of silence

And yet, we’re going to be okay. I know we will.

now all i can do is wait

The line this morning
Originally uploaded by me.

I’ve never seen anything like this at my polling place. I mean, I arrived before 7 a.m. (Yes, this is how motivated I was to vote. I was out of bed and dressed in non-pajamas before 7. Seven, I tell you!) Nonetheless, I was thrilled to see such a crowd. I was also a little disappointed that the news cameras and pollsters were nowhere to be seen. (Gee, no one wants to talk to us? But we’re Wisconsin voters!)

next week the election will be history

Yeesh, where has the week gone? Time for a quick update:

  • My cold is pretty much gone, but I’m still coughing now and then. On Monday it hit me that I probably need to find my inhaler, which I use during cold weather. D’oh!
  • Foxxi stopped hobbling mid-weekend. (Well, Pete was giving her reiki…) Now it’s as if she never hurt herself. The only revelation that the UW came up with after reviewing the x-rays is that Foxxi has a wee bit of arthritis in her knees. Yup, she’s a middle-aged dog.
  • I wish I still had that $434…
  • Moon’s braces came off today, huzzah! She has a colorful retainer, which she will never lose in a dumpster because she’d be stuck retrieving it…as I am off garbage-digging duty forever. ]Once is enough.
  • I’m toying with the idea of early-morning workouts. Like, 6:30 a.m. Yeah, I know.
  • Some teeny-weeny Blythes joined my Blythe family today.
  • Moon and I saw some yard signs today that made us smile.
    If you think
    That Bush is scary
    Don’t be afraid
    Just vote for Kerry

    (But where was Burma Shave?)

one of those june cleavery moms

Baking cookies
Originally uploaded by me.

Today I’m making a double batch of the chocolate chip cookies everyone liked so much two weeks ago. And yes, I’m washing my hands practically every time I walk across the kitchen. Although I’m feeling way better (thanks to my first really good night of sleep all week) I’m still not 100% yet. So I’m wearing cozy clothes and not demanding much from myself.

In other news, I have a burning urge to learn to knit.

i’d rather be back in bed

I’m filling in at work this morning (I usually have Fridays off) and it’s unbelieveably quiet. The great thing, though, is that I had an unscheduled massage because a client didn’t show. I really needed it, too. For some reason (maybe I’m feeling weather changes in my joints now?) my right hip was aching all morning. A half hour of heat application and vigorous prodding did wonders.

Now I just wish I could curl up with a heating pad and watch Buffy.

creeping crub

Saturday night I felt it coming on. I chain-consumed cough drops during the Madison Symphony Orchestra concert. Then on Sunday, I couldn’t sing and didn’t think I’d last through the service–so I went home to prepare for our trip to the Homestead for October birthdays.

Although I did my best to have fun (more about that later), I spent a good deal of the afternoon curled up under an afghan, trying to get warm. The chills continued after we went home, so I hit the sack at a record 7:30 p.m.

Somehow I made it to work this morning, albeit a half hour late. I went for a chai tea latte rather than my usual coffee, thinking it would help my throat. I may leave early this afternoon, because I feel a little guilty shaking hands with the people who come in. (I’ve been coughing into Kleenex. Does that help?)

up and at ‘em

I’m definitely feeling more chipper than usual this morning. A good part of it, I think, is a happy accident. See, I ran out of my OCD meds over the weekend… so I took a half dose on Friday and Saturday, and none at all on Sunday.

And it seems to be taking away my morning sluggishness, even if it’s just my imagination. So I’m cutting back to the half dose for the long run. I’ll let you know if any undue anxiety crops up.

My hair took two hours last night. But the streaks, they were worth it because I don’t have the ugly two inches of dark roots anymore. Impulsively, I asked for a shorter cut and got it. It feels good, and I hope it looks good. (I’m still unsure.)

As for Xanthe, I’ll try to post about that where it belongs.

things that i’m jazzed about

1. I’m going to the salon tonight. Woohoo!
2. The Volks mini body I ordered for Xanthe has arrived. Pete picked it up at the post office for me.

another too-fast weekend

Between sleeping in, going to an orientation at Campus, having an extra-long church service this morning (because of a hymn-sing-along to honor our organist), and working out, time slipped away from me once again. Now it’s Sunday night, and I’m looking ahead to another week. Already.

But we did do something kinda cool today: we checked out the new Overture Center downtown. There were quite a few free events so we even enjoyed some live music. Pete and I went sans kids, so it was even something like a date. In a few weeks, we get to back, to see the MSO and chorus perform Beethoven. I can’t wait, because we didn’t get to see Overture Hall or the new pipe organ.

i’m so hot–but you knew that about me

Weather really does affect my moods. But I’m a little backward. Somehow, winter doesn’t bother me so much. February can be a bit of a drag, but I don’t get overly depressed about it.

On the other hand, summer gets me down. I don’t always realize that heat and humidity are impacting the way I feel–but the mental lift I feel when the thermometer tops out at 65 degrees is a real jolt.

I’ve been suffering this week, because it’s been 80 degrees and humid. It finally rained yesterday, bringing blessed relief. (Am I complaining too much? I know some people are dealing with hurricanes, and I wouldn’t want to trade places.)

Anyway, the fog in my brain has lifted a bit, and (dare I say?) my energy is returning. Tonight I tackled the refrigerator and blanched some more of our farm veggies. Our CSA box overfloweth. The house is a mess, but it doesn’t feel as overwhelming as it did a week ago. I’ve got plans.

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